Find out how to add a deal or contract extension to the track record on your TransferRoom agency profile.
Applies to:
Trusted Agencies
Solution Overview:
Step 1: Click on Agency Profile and scroll down to Track Record
Step 2: Click Edit and then Add new deal
Step 3: If you are adding a transfer, select the year, the player and the club they moved from and to
Step 4: If you are adding a contract extension, select the year, the player, the club and the length of the extension
Tactical Rundown:
1. Go to Agency Profile and scroll down to Track Record.
2. Click Edit and then Add new deal.
3. For a transfer, select the year, the player you moved from your list of verified players and the club you moved the player from and to.
4. For a contract extension, add the year, the player, the club you renewed the contract with and the length of the extension.
5. Click Save. The deal will then be added to your Track Record and will be verified as long as your verified player does not tell us that you did not work on this deal.
6. If you would like to show your most successful or biggest deals at the top of your track record, click Edit and you will be able to drag and drop the deals by clicking on the 6 dots on the left of each deal.