Find out how to create a player Ad for your club when using the Web or App version of TransferRoom.
Applies to:
All clubs on TransferRoom
Solution Overview:
Step 1: Go to the Player Ads section of the platform
Step 2: Click ‘Create new ad’
Step 3: You can then select the position(s) for the ad(s) you wish to create
Step 4: You can then select if the ad is to buy, loan or both.
Step 5: If the ad is to buy, you must input the maximum transfer fee and annual gross salary
Step 6: If the ad is to loan, you must input the maximum monthly loan budget including the gross salary
Step 7: You can then add an age range and a minimum height for the player.
Step 8: Finally, you can add a nationality preference and a preferred playing style before launching the Ad.
Tactical Rundown:
1. Go to the Players Ads section of the platform and click on ‘Create new Ad’
2. On this page, you can select the position(s) for the ad(s) you wish to create.
3. Select if the ad is to buy, to loan or select both options if you are open to both.
4. For an ad to buy a player, enter the maximum transfer fee and annual gross salary.
5. For an ad to loan a player, enter maximum monthly loan budget including the gross salary.
6. You can also add an age range and a minimum height for the player.
7. Before creating the Ad, you can select a preferred playing style for the player.
1. Go to Transfers In, where you will be able to post an Ad for a player with your requirements. Then, select the position you would like to post an Ad for.
2. Select if you would like the Ad to be to buy, to loan or to buy & loan.
3. If you are looking to buy the player, add the maximum transfer fee and annual gross salary for the transfer. You can select if you would like to pitch to Clubs & Agencies or Clubs only. You can also add a preferred playing style, an age range and a minimum to make your Ad more targeted. When you are happy with your selection, click Post requirement.
4. If you are looking to loan the player, add the loan fee. This is the monthly fee and gross salary combined. You can also add the playing style, age range and minimum height if you wish. When you are happy with your selection, click Post requirement.
5. If you select the option to post an Ad to buy and to loan, you will be asked to add both sets of requirements at the same time.
6. After posting your requirements, you will be able to remove them at any time by clicking the green tick button, or make changes to them. You also have the option to delete the Ad but keep the pitches.