Find out how to make a new requirement as a club on TransferRoom.
Applies to:
All clubs
Solution Overview:
Step 1: Click Transfers In.
Step 2: Select the position you would like to create a requirement for.
Step 3: You can then select if the ad is to buy, loan or both and enter the financial conditions. If the ad is to buy, you must input the maximum transfer fee and annual gross salary. If the ad is to loan, you must input the maximum monthly loan budget including the gross salary.
Step 4: Add an age range and a minimum height for the player.
Step 5: Invite recommended agents to pitch to your requirements.
Step 6: Select a nationality preference and a preferred playing style if you have them.
Step 7: Click Create New Requirement.
Tactical Rundown:
1. From the Homepage, go to Transfers In. Click the position you would like to create a requirement.
2. Select if the requirement is To Buy, To Loan or select both options if you are open to both. For a requirement to buy a player, enter the maximum transfer fee and annual gross salary. For a requirement to loan a player, enter maximum monthly loan budget including the gross salary.
3. You can add an age range and a minimum height for the player.
4. You can also invite recommended agents to pitch their players to your requirements. If you are on our Super VIP package, it is also possible to make your requirement anonymous.
5. Before clicking Create New Requirement, you can select a nationality preference and a preferred playing style.