Find out how to make a player available in the new web experience for clubs.
Applies to:
Solution Overview:
Option 1:
Step 1: Go to Transfers In
Step 2: Scroll down and click ‘Find available players’
Option 2:
Step 1: Click the search bar and click the position you would like to search for
Step 2: Click Transfer type & budget
Step 3: Tick the box next to ‘Show only players marked available’ and then Show
Tactical Rundown:
Option 1
1. Go to Transfers In. Scroll down and click the Find available players button.
2. This shows you all of the players who have been made available by their clubs on TransferRoom. You can also add filters to this search by position or attributes, as well as for players you have shortlisted.
Option 2
1. Click the search bar and then the position you would like to search for.
2. Click Transfer type & budget, then tick the box to show only players marked available.