Find out how to select your Ideal Leagues and let clubs on TransferRoom know where you’d like to play.
Applies to:
Players using the TransferRoom Players App
Solution overview:
Step 1: On the Homepage, click Learn More if you have not already set your Ideal Leagues.
Step 2: Confirm your transfer preferences so that we can match you to clubs who we suit what you are looking for.
Step 3: Choose up to 5 ideal leagues from our recommended list.
Step 4: To edit your selection, click on Ideal Leagues on the Homepage, where you can change your ideal leagues.
Tactical rundown:
1. From the Homepage, click Learn More to set up your Ideal Leagues.
2. Confirm your transfer preferences so that we can select the best clubs for you based on your needs. Tell us what you are looking for in your next move and your minimum expected salary.
3. Now you can choose up to 5 recommended leagues from the list.
4. Click Confirm when you are happy with your choices.
5. If you would like to update your choices at any point, click Ideal Leagues on the Homepage.