What is a Plus Pitch?

Find out what a Plus Pitch is on TransferRoom and what it can be used for.

Applies to: 

Clubs on VIP and above

Agencies on Basic+ and above

The Plus Pitch allows you to directly pitch a player to 20 decision makers at clubs around the world. TransferRoom will recommend 20 clubs we believe would be a good fit for your player, giving you the option to send your pitch to these clubs or combine them with your own choices. This is an alternative way to traditional pitching on TransferRoom, when your player must meet the criteria set by the club. If you’re lacking direct access to decision makers in certain markets or clubs, this is the perfect way to pinpoint those clubs you want to target with the knowledge of the market for your player and his expectations in mind.

Plus Pitch


What happens when I send my Plus Pitch?

When you send your Plus Pitch, it will appear on the club’s homepage the next time they log in to their account. They will have the option to Declare Interest, Save or Dismiss the Plus Pitch.

If they save the Plus Pitch, you will have the option to Test Interest. This will remind the club that they saved the pitch and give them a two week window to respond. After these two weeks, the Plus Pitch will be removed from their account.

PP received