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Why can't I add my YouTube/Vimeo link as a Promo Video?

If you are having issues adding your YouTube or Vimeo link for your player's Promo video, it is usually because of the privacy settings. Here is how you can change them on YouTube and Vimeo.

Applies to:
Clubs and Trusted Agents


Tactical Rundown:


1. In order to use a YouTube video for your player’s Promo video, you must ensure that the video allows embedding. If you are having issues adding your link, in YouTube click your Profile icon and go to YouTube Studio.

promo video 1 

2. Then go to Content and click the pen icon next to the video you are trying to use. 

3. Now, scroll all the way down to Show more and select Advanced Settings. Navigate to License and "Distribution Options" and make sure the Allow Embedding box is ticked.

4. If you do not wish to have your video visible on YouTube but still want to add it to TransferRoom, you can make it unlisted. To do this, go to the Content section of your Studio. Under Visibility, make your video Unlisted.



1. Go to your Library and click on a video to open the edit page. On the upper right-hand corner of the page, select the Privacy setting button. A panel will open on the right of the page. Find the Embed section at the bottom of the panel.

2. To allow embedding on TransferRoom, select the Anywhere option. 

3. Like YouTube, you can unlist a video to make it invisible on Vimeo if you do not want it to be seen publicly. To do this, in Library click on a video and on the upper right-hand corner of the page, select the Privacy setting button. A panel will open on the right of the page. Make the video Unlisted if you do not want it to appear on Vimeo.